Building strong relationships with colleagues is essential for success in today’s fast paced and dynamic work environment.

Research from the American Academy of Family Physicians identified key characteristics that contribute to successful work relationships. The study examined data from 160 practices, which have been peer reviewed in over 100 publications.

Seven essential characteristics contribute to successful work relationships and cultivating these qualities can create a positive work environment that promotes collaboration, productivity and happiness.


Trust is essential for any successful relationship. When co-workers trust each other, they feel comfortable sharing information with each other and relying on them to do their job. They will also feel comfortable giving feedback and working to solve problems.

Trust can be built over time through positive interactions and experiences. It is essential to be honest with colleagues, to keep promises and to be dependable. Giving people the benefit of the doubt and forgiving them when they make mistakes is also part of the process.


Diversity is another important characteristic of successful work relationships. When collaborating with people from different backgrounds, one is exposed to new ideas and perspectives, which can help individuals to be more creative and innovative in work.

Understanding and empathy is another benefit of diversity. When one works with people from different cultures, they are more likely to appreciate their unique perspectives.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and aware of thoughts, feelings and surroundings. When one is mindful, one is more likely to be open to innovative ideas and to be able to communicate effectively with others.

It can be practiced through meditation, yoga, or simply by taking a few minutes each day to focus on breathing and the present moment.

How can you develop successful work relationships? Find out during the May 18 Coffee Talk “Building Strong Workplace Connections: Strategies for Successful Relationships.” Click here to register today!


Interrelatedness is the understanding that everyone in an organization is connected. When someone understands that work affects others, they are more likely to help colleagues and do their part to make the organization successful.

This approach can be fostered through team-building activities and simply taking the time to get to know colleagues.


Respect is the foundation of any successful relationship. When co-workers respect each other, value opinions and treat others with dignity, then they are more willing to listen to one another and to consider their ideas.

Respect can be shown in many ways, such as being on time for meetings, dressing professionally, and being polite and courteous.

Varied interaction

Varied interaction involves connecting effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and communication styles. When team members can interact with each other in different ways, they are more likely to build strong relationships in the work environment.

Practice and openness to new experiences outside the work environment are just a couple of the ways to facilitate varied interactions.

Effective communication

Effective communication is the ability to convey thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely. When co-workers can communicate effectively, they are more likely to build strong relationships with colleagues.

This can be developed through practice and awareness of one’s communication style.

These are just a few of the characteristics that contribute to successful work relationships. When one focuses on building relationships, one is more likely to be happy, productive and successful in their career.